Addiction Workforce Research in WAVE
Workforce in Addiction · Valorisation in EuropeWAVE Mapping studies
WAVE research will address knowledge gaps and challenges which impact on addiction workforce planning and care outcomes, such as: a lack of harmonised, comparable cross-country data on service provision and quality standards; scarce data on the nature / structure of the EU addictions workforce and factors affecting recruitment and retention; fragmented information on training and education for professionals.
Read on to get involved!

WAVE Workers’ Survey: Workplace conditions and wellbeing in addictions workers
The workers who deliver services and support to tackle addictions have a profound impact on many individuals and communities. As part of the WAVE research plan, we are conducting a survey to gather valuable data on the professional profiles, working conditions, and wellbeing of those who shape and deliver addiction services in a number of European countries and regions (Czech Republic, Portugal, Spain (including Catalonia), North Macedonia and (coming soon…) Norway).
Whether you work in prevention, treatment, social integration, or harm reduction, your expertise and input is crucial to shaping the standards and conditions that empower our workforce. Your responses will help us advocate for improved training standards, workplace environments, and wellbeing for all workers in addictions fields.
And there’s more! Not only will you contribute to a stronger, more resilient workforce, but by participating in this survey in the first 2 weeks after launching, you also stand a chance to win a bursary that covers participation for the Socidrogalcohol conference (in Spain) or the 2024 Lisbon Addictions Conference (other countries).
Select your country or region below to participate! ⇓
Česká republiko
Připojte se k naší iniciativě pro zlepšení budoucnosti práce a well beingu pracovníků v adiktologii
Pracujete v prevenci, léčbě nebo jiné podpoře osob potýkající se s problémy s alkoholem, drogami nebo závislostním chováním?
Potřebujeme Vaše zkušenosti do této NÁRODNÍ STUDIE!
Junte-se à nossa iniciativa para melhorar o futuro do trabalho e o bem-estar dos trabalhadores na área de comportamentos aditivos e dependências
Trabalha para prevenir, tratar ou apoiar aqueles que enfrentam problemas com álcool, drogas ou comportamentos aditivos?
Precisamos da sua experiência através deste inquérito nacional!
Únete a nuestra iniciativa para mejorar el futuro laboral y el bienestar de los profesionales de las adicciones
¿Trabajas para prevenir, tratar o apoyar a quienes enfrentan problemas con el alcohol, las drogas o comportamientos adictivos?
¡Necesitamos tu experiencia a través de esta ENCUESTA NACIONAL!
Северна Македонија
Придружете се на нашата иницијатива за подобрување на иднината на работата и благосостојбата на професионалците за зависности
Дали работите на превенција, лекување или поддршка на оние кои се соочуваат со проблеми со алкохол, дрога или однесување кое предизвикува зависност?
Ни треба вашето искуство преку оваа НАЦИОНАЛНА АНКЕТА!
Uneix-te a la iniciativa ‘WAVE’ per millorar el futur laboral i el benestar dels professionals de les addiccions
Treballes per prevenir, tractar o donar suport als qui enfronten problemes amb l’alcohol, les drogues o comportaments addictius?
‘WAVE’ necessita recollir la teva experiència a través d’aquesta ENQUESTA NACIONAL!

WAVE will employ desktop research, multi-stakeholder consultation and participatory co-production processes to:
- map key characteristics and actions at different organisational levels of the addictions workforce, in Europe and beyond;
- work on a broad framework for training and workplace quality standards, and guiding principles for European workforce development; and
- develop a cutting edge and academically relevant topical strand of sessions for the Lisbon Addictions 2024 conference.