Get involved in WAVE

WAVE Community of Practice

Want to get involved?

Opportunites for involvement in WAVE include:

    • Joining a working group in the WAVE Community of practice to participate in technical work (Info below. Recruitment ended in 31/11/2023)
    • Applying for a WAVE bursary (the application process ended 31/1/2024)
    • Submitting an audio-visual piece to the WAVE Cinema Video Contest (the call for abstracts for video entries ended 31/1/2024)
    • Learning about the outputs and findings from the mapping and guidance on quality standards work in WAVE (join the WAVE mailing list below ⇓)


WAVE Community of Practice & Working Groups – information

General info: A Community of Practice (CoP) is a group of people who share a common concern, a set of problems, or an interest in a topic and who come together to fulfill both individual and group goals. (read more about CoPs here)

WAVE CoP objectives: In preparation for the co-produced thematic track ‘Empowering the addictions workforce’ of the 2024 European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies (LxAddictions24), we will be creating a multi-sectoral, international, Community of Practice (CoP) with the following main goals:

    1. Contribute to the expert consultation to develop / validate WAVE products (e.g., inventory of practice, guidelines on quality standards)
    2. Collaborate on the co-creation of the WAVE Track and sessions in Lisbon Addictions

Working Groups

The CoP comprises 4 working groups focused on topic areas of particular relevance to the WAVE project work and conference track. Each working group will comprise multi-disciplinary professionals, from varied sectors and different career stages, who will participate in virtual working meetings to develop content for LxAddictions24, and voluntarily contribute to other tasks (e.g., a Delphi process, assessment of content for the WAVE Cinema Video Contest, supporting roles at the Conference).


Working group thematic areas:

The working groups will focus on 4 different aspects of the addictions workforce:

1) Skills for the addiction workforce: Training models and formal curriculum development for diverse professional profiles (prevention, treatment, harm reduction) and areas (clinical and public health, substance and behavioural addictions). This group will also look at training in areas of newer research, such as behavioural addiction treatment, patient-centred and motivational approaches, and broader co-morbid conditions.

2) Nurturing the addiction workforce: workplace well-being and health promotion for workers. The group will focus on organisational, upstream health promotion initiatives, monitoring worker well-being and supporting self-care, and shaping the workplace to sustain the addictions workforce (including prevention of addictions in the workforce).

3) Expanding the addiction workforce: This group will look at the diverse worker profiles beyond healthcare settings – with particular interest in peer-workers, volunteers, community champions/influencers, harm reduction and support services, and relevant professionals outside specialists in addictions or health (e.g., law enforcement / judiciary professionals / prisons; education – Initiatives and training in full-spectrum harm-reduction approaches.)

4) Augmenting / empowering the addictions workforce: Delivering addiction services in the digital era: research, training and service provision using digital tools, AI and machine learning. This group will also consider ethical implications of AI/machine learning, and opportunities to promote equity through open-source coding and tool development.

Please check out the WAVE in LxAdd24 page

for updates on the working group contributions to the track.


WAVE Mailing List

If you are interested in receiving updates on the project and outputs, please complete the quick contact form here to join the WAVE mailing list: ⇒⇒⇒

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WAVE interest form

All data submitted will be securely stored according to the EU GDPR for the duration of the project, in accordance with the WAVE Project data use and protection policy (READ THE WAVE DATA PROTECTION POLICY HERE).