WAVE in Lisbon Addictions 2024
Workforce in Addictions · Valorisation in EuropeContributing to Lisbon Addictions
The WAVE Project (Workforce in Addictions Valorisation in Europe) is the 4th initiative by the Clinic Research Foundation in Barcelona, designed to contribute to the Lisbon Addictions Conference (LxAddictions).
WAVE focuses on amplifying the voices of early-career addiction professionals, especially those from under-resourced sectors and lower-income regions. It offers resources to help them attend the conference, exchange knowledge, and expand their networks.

WAVE contributes to Lisbon Addictions 2024 edition in 3 ways:
- The co-produced WAVE Track “Empowering the Addiction Workforce”, with 16 sessions, including workshops on key areas relating to the theme.
- The WAVE Cinema Video Contest and discussion sessions – exploring short audiovisual pieces relevant to ALL conference strands.
- Providing up to 120 bursaries to support the attendance of European and international addictions workforce experts and professionals
The WAVE Track in Lisbon Addictions
WAVE, in collaboration with the 4 CoP Working Groups, has co-produced 3 types of invited sessions for Lisbon Addictions 2024 (click on the links for more information):
1. WAVE Major Session: (jump to description)
- New perspectives: AI as a tool to support the addictions workforce (Thurs 24/10, 15h-16:30h, Main Auditorium)
- Chair: Matthijs Blankers (Chief Science Officer, Trimbos-instituut, NL)
- Speakers:
- Elissa Weitzman (Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, USA),
- Jordi Piera i Jiménez (Director of the Digital Health Strategy Office, Catalan Health Service, ES)
- Christina Todorova (Independent / Visiting Researcher, Ireland’s National Centre for AI (CeADAR), IE)
- Elissa Weitzman (Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, USA),
- New perspectives: AI as a tool to support the addictions workforce (Thurs 24/10, 15h-16:30h, Main Auditorium)
2. WAVE Co-created Workshops:
- LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Hands-On Workshop on Optimizing Workplace and Well-Being for Workers in Addiction Fields (Wed 23/10, 15h-16:30h, Room 1.15)
- Facilitators: Abhishek Ghosh (Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, IN) & Pere Juarez (University of Barcelona, ES)
- Professionals’ insights into the use of AI and digital tools in addictions (Wed 23/10, 16:50h – 18:20, Room 1.15)
- Facilitators: Parnian Rafei (Trinity College Dublin, IE), Hugo López & Clara Oliveras (Clínic Research Foundation Barcelona)
- Back-casting exercise on peer-support workforce development (Thurs 24/10, 10:50 – 12:20, Room 1.15)
- Facilitators: Florian Scheibein (Research Assistant, South East Technological University, IE), Irena Molnar (Executive Directress, NGO Re Generation, RS) & Zoe Swithenbank (Senior Research Associate, Spectrum Centre for Mental Health Research, Lancaster University, UK)
- How to train an addiction specialist? (Thurs 24/10, 15h-16:30h, Room 1.10)
- Facilitators: Amalie Lososová, Anna Volfová & Elizabeth Nováková (Charles University and General University Hospital, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Department of Addictology, CZ)
- LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Hands-On Workshop on Optimizing Workplace and Well-Being for Workers in Addiction Fields (Wed 23/10, 15h-16:30h, Room 1.15)
3. Video Screening and discussion sessions: (jump to more info)
- WAVE Cinema Video contest session 1: Showcasing innovative science and services (Wed 23/10, 15h–16.30h, Room 1.09)
- Chairs: Elena Torrell-Pedreira (Public Health Agency of Catalonia (ASPCAT), ES) & Charity Aienobe-Asekharen ( Brunel University London, UK)
- WAVE Cinema Video contest session 2: Sharing insightful lived experience (Thurs 24/10, 13.20–14.50, Room 1.09)
- Chairs: Calvert Tisdale (University of New South Wales (UNSW), AUS) & Laoise Darragh (Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network, NL)
- WAVE Cinema Video Contest session 3: Journeys through addiction science and lived experience (Fri 25/10, 10.50–12.20,Room 1.09)
- Chairs: J. Maphisa Maphisa (PsycBotsogo, Botswana) & Fleur Braddick, (Clínic Research Foundation Barcelona, ES)
- WAVE Cinema Video contest session 1: Showcasing innovative science and services (Wed 23/10, 15h–16.30h, Room 1.09)

WAVE Major Session:
New perspectives: AI as a tool to support the addictions workforce
In the near future, Europe, and the rest of the world, faces a potential decline in the number of addiction professionals, with probable impacts on addiction care across the intervention spectrum.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) may potentially address some of the foreseen human resource shortages, as well augmenting professional capabilities and increasing efficiency.
However, such technological synergy also sparks ethical considerations for addiction prevention, harm reduction and treatment, raising questions about how we can ensure future ethical practices in this field.
The WAVE major session presented 3 angles related to AI as a tool for the addiction workforce, followed by an interactive panel discussion:
- 1) Digital Phenotyping and Using AI with Youth (Elissa Weitzman),
- 2) AI in the system – Large-Scale Day-To-Day Public Health Practice (Jordi Piera-Jimenez),
- 3) Beyond the Digital Veil: The Prosaic Challenges Behind AI-Supported Behavioral Addiction Treatment (Christina Todorova)
WAVE Video contest
Within the frame of the collaboration with LxAddictions24, WAVE organised a video contest for audio-visual pieces relating to any of the main areas/ thematic tracks of the conference. WAVE received 49 video abstracts submitted to the competition, of which 25 complete videos reached the evaluation stage, and 18 (9 in each category) were shortlisted for discussion sessions in the ‘WAVE Cinema’, and judging for prizes.
Two types of videos were encouraged for submission:
- Category 1 : creatively showcasing an innovative scientific, technical, or civil society work in addictions
- Category 2 : to communicate and bring visibility to stories of impactful and insightful lived experience
Special screening and discussion sessions were held to exchange expertise draw out lessons in communication and outreach using this medium from the shortlisted videos competing for the prizes. These were chaired by early career professionals participating in the conference on WAVE bursaries, and included the video makers or project representatives. All videos submitted to the contest were also show in un-chaired rolling loops in the WAVE Cinema throughout the conference.

Click here to view the final video entries to the WAVE Cinema Video Contest
(opens in a new window)
- Category Prizes: 1st prizes of 550€, 2nd prizes of 400€, and 3rd prizes of 250€ will be awarded in each category.
- Special awards: WAVE Coordination decided to combine the funds of the People’s Prize with prize-money donated back by one of the winners, to present two impartial ‘special awards’ of 250€ – for Community Impact and Creative Expression – based on the contest judging criteria.
* Please note, the monetary prizes may be subject to withholding tax and must comply with the applicable fiscal regulations at the time of award. No video-maker will be eligible for more than one category prize (in the case of submitting multiple videos).
The WAVE Video Contest Winners
(click here or on the film title to watch the video entries in a new window)
1st Prize Category 1
Connecting with Care – Switzerland
By: Conor Ashleigh (Visual Storyteller, International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users – INHSU) & Philip Bruggmann (ARUD Centre for Addiction Medicine, CH) – Represented in Lisbon by Emma Day (Executive Director of INHSU)

1st Prize in Category 2
Living On Episode 2 – “Family”
By: Danya Fast (University of British Columbia, Canada) & Kali-olt Sedgemore (British Columbia Centre on Substance Use)

2nd Prize Category 1
Risk to Resilience: Empowering youth
By: Diana Vincent, Shalini George, David George, Marea Kollamkulam & Divyadharsha Ravichandran (Fourth Wave Foundation, FWF) – Represented in Lisbon by Rohit Chelat (FWF)

2nd Prize in Category 2
By: Juan Carlos Ocampo (University of Sheffield, UK), Hugh Mann Adamson & Gabriel Fernández-Gil (ENON Films)

Video-maker joined online
3rd Prize Category 1
By: European Union Agency for Asylum & CinePlus (Coordinated by: Mila Mancheva, EUAA)

Special award: Community Impact
By: Marilyn Plata, Von Ramiro Plata, Hiraya Marie Plata, Roberto Dela Cruz & Leo Sandajan (Caritas Manila-Sanlakbay)

Video-maker joined online
Special Award: Innovative Creative Expression
Esma Bronkovič – Double Feature
By: Ulrike Möntmann & Stefanie Elias (University of Applied Arts, Vienna, AU), with Esma Bronkovič (Prisoner, Austrian detention centre)

Past experiences:
The WAVE Video Contest follows on from a similar activity in Lisbon Addictions 2022, organised by the Inter·GLAM Project. To see the entries and prizewinners from the previous edition, please see here.